SAFAS : fabricante de espectrofotometros UV, Visible, AA, Infra Rojo, espectrofluorimetros, luminometros, lectores de microplacas, analizadores

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Luminometro para microplacas Luminometro SAFAS Xenius XL: sensitividad eccepcional, evolutividad unica

SAFAS Xenius XL es un lector de microplacas 96 con sensitividad eccepcional, y un fotomultiplicador "photon counting" capaz de hacer la discriminaciòn de fotones singulos, hasta 70 Mcps. Las medidas son realizadas sin fibras opticas (tecnologia 100% aria) y con 1 a 15 iniectores opcionales. Se puede hacer tambien un espectro de bioluminescencia. Un monocromador addicionàl permite hacer medidas de Absorbancia, mientras que un segundo monocromador permite hacer la fluorescencia.

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An evolutive LUMINOMETER, fitted with an outstanding performances

SAFAS Xenius XL is a microplate luminometer with exceptional performances and evolutivity. Based on innovative technologies and superb optics, it is fitted with a 100% AIR technology (no fiber optics) and a high sensitivity photon counting photomultiplier, able to count from single photon up to 70 Mcps.

It features a very low cross-talking (typically 10-5 on 96 wells microplates), and is able to inject 2 different reagents in measurement position.

The luminometer Xenius XL can also achieve bioluminescence spectra on each individual well, with automatic data processing, as well as in cuvettes (option). With a scan speed up to 7000nm/minute, it is also fitted with many automatic data processing functions (depending on options).

In 1959, SAFAS introduced the world’s 1st spectrofluorometer fitted with 2 grating monochromators: it was a major breakthrough in spectroscopy. Today, the Xenius is a new breakthrough, bringing to science as much as had been bringing the Spectralux in 1959.

Many options are available

Xenius XL can be fitted with temperature controlled holders, make fast or long kinetics, work up to 10 different wavelengths of bioluminescence, inject during analysis (up to 15 injectors, and up to 75 injection areas), or be fitted with automatic polarizers for fluorescence anisotropy. It can achieve Absorbance spectra, and several specialized software can be added.

An evolutivity unique on the market

The microplate luminometer SAFAS Xenius XL is evolutive, and can receive one or two monochromators for Absorbance and fluorescence, fiber optics for in situ measurements, polarizers, etc... All the options can be mounted simultaneously and don’t require any desmantling.

Exceptionally powerful software

Last but not least, the software are intensively developed by SAFAS since 1988, when SAFAS introduced the world’s first PC controlled spectrophotometer, button free.

Since then, all our customers have profited by our policy of free software update for instrument’s life, making their investment a very long term one and avoiding obsolescence of their equipment.

Among many possibilities, our multiwavelength module for series of samples, our intracellular ions module, and our 3D spectra module are among the most impressive.

-most of the possibilities described hereunder are optional: please ask us
-for software updates, a participation to CD and shipment is requested

MAIN FEATURES (depending on options)

spectral range 200 to 650nm in photon counting direct bioluminescence, 200 to 1000nm for bioluminescence spectra
cross talking about 10-5 on a 96 well microplate
bioluminescence scan up to 7000 nm/minute (optional)
bandwidth with optional spectra: fixed, or optionally continuously variable from 2 to 20nm
analytical techniques Luminescence, optional: Absorbance, Fluorescence, Anisotropy
kinds of samples microplates (without fiber optics, 100%air technology), and optionally: cuvettes, mesurements in situ with fiber optics, dewar for low temperatures, integrative sphere, etc...

Telefono : +377 99 99 52 52
SAFAS - fabricante de espectrofotometros UV, Visible, AA, Infra Rojo, espectrofluorimetros, luminometros, lectores de microplacas, analizadores
SAFAS Monaco - Société Anonyme de Fabrication d’Appareillages Scientifiques
Oficinas centrales : 10, quai Antoine 1er - MC 98000 Monaco / Depositos : 9, avenue de la Quarantaine - MC 98000 Monaco
Telefono : +377 99 99 52 52 - Fax : +377 99 99 52 50 - Servicio asistencia clientes : +377 99 99 52 52 | eMail:
© 2007-2015 SAFAS - Reservados todos los derechos | SAFAS, TouchSnake, Easyspec, UVmc, Xenius, Spectralux y los varios logograms son marcas registradas y modelos registrados de SAFAS | Aviso legal