SAFAS : fabricante de espectrofotometros UV, Visible, AA, Infra Rojo, espectrofluorimetros, luminometros, lectores de microplacas, analizadores

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2015: el Dr Jean-Franck Bussotti, Director de SAFAS, recibe el Trofeo de la Innovación 2015 en Paris

The Trophy of Innovation is awarded by a jury of scientists and scientific journalists, in Paris.

In 2015, they had to elect the winners among 76 international companies which presented each their best scientific innovation of 2014 and 2015.

SAFAS was delighted to win and Dr Jean-Franck Bussotti, C.E.O. of SAFAS, received his beautiful Trophy from Olivier Casamitjana of Sanofi, President of the ELRIG (European Laboratory Robotics Innovation Group).

After more than half a century of major innovations in science and medicine, all SAFAS team is very proud of this great acknowledgement of their commitment to science.

PDF SAFAS Trofeo de la Innovación 2015
Telefono : +377 99 99 52 52
SAFAS - fabricante de espectrofotometros UV, Visible, AA, Infra Rojo, espectrofluorimetros, luminometros, lectores de microplacas, analizadores
SAFAS Monaco - Société Anonyme de Fabrication d’Appareillages Scientifiques
Oficinas centrales : 10, quai Antoine 1er - MC 98000 Monaco / Depositos : 9, avenue de la Quarantaine - MC 98000 Monaco
Telefono : +377 99 99 52 52 - Fax : +377 99 99 52 50 - Servicio asistencia clientes : +377 99 99 52 52 | eMail:
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