SAFAS : fabbricante di Spettrofotometri (UV, Visibile, Infra-Rosso, Assorbimento Atomico), Spettrofluorimetri, Luminometri, Lettori di Micropiastre, Analizzatori

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SAFAS is specializing since 1952 in designing and manufacturing high technology scientific instruments. Contrary to many companies and international groups which base their strategy on fusions, restructurations and maximum benefits, SAFAS is a team passioned by spectroscopy, whose main concern is nowadays too often forgotten: total satisfaction of our customers.

SAFAS is not for sale, and has always been specializing in a field where it has gained a name for the excellence of its products and breakthrough technologies: spectroscopy.

For us, customers satisfaction is not limited to ticking insurance quality forms... Our will is to always supply the most performant technologies, which is proved by all the breakthrough technologies introduced in 1/2 century. Our idea of Quality is also the real product Quality, its reliability, its ruggness, its ease-of-use, and overall our efficiency to solve any problem which may occur.

If you feel in harmony with our requirements and aims, if you are ready to get trained to our high technologies and become able to efficiently assist any customer, and if you look for a long term collaboration with a reliable company, then please fill up the form hereafter, and join your CV.

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Please specify hereafter which is your experience in the field of spectroscopy.

Telefono : +377 99 99 52 52
SAFAS - fabbricante di Spettrofotometri (UV, Visibile, Infra-Rosso, Assorbimento Atomico), Spettrofluorimetri, Luminometri, Lettori di Micropiastre, Analizzatori
SAFAS Monaco - Société Anonyme de Fabrication d’Appareillages Scientifiques
Sede e Amministrazione : 10, quai Antoine 1er - MC 98000 Monaco / Depositi : 9, avenue de la Quarantaine - MC 98000 Monaco
Telefono : +377 99 99 52 52 - Fax : +377 99 99 52 50 - Servizio assistenza clienti : +377 99 99 52 52 | eMail:
© 2007-2015 SAFAS - Tutti i diritti riservati | SAFAS, TouchSnake, Easyspec, UVmc, Xenius, Spectralux ed i vari logogrammi sono Marchi e Modelli Registrati di SAFAS | Avviso legale